The Autumn's Arrival Bouquet

Introducing the Autumn's Arrival Bouquet from Royal Fleur, a sweetly sophisticated arrangement bursting with fantastic fall colors. This bouquet is a captivating combination of Leonidas roses, lavender roses, burgundy mini carnations, peach Asiatic Lilies, orange celosia, and an assortment of lush greens. With every bloom, it captures your special recipient's attention, thanks to the rich and vibrant shades of the season. The arrangement is thoughtfully presented in a square clear glass cube vase, adorned with a green plaid ribbon, creating a harmonious and elegant presentation. This bouquet is designed to send your warmest sentiments, making it an ideal gift to welcome the fantastic fall season.

Key Features:

  • Fantastic Fall Colors: The bouquet features the rich and vibrant colors of autumn, creating a visually stunning and warm display.
  • Sophisticated Beauty: Its sweet sophistication shines through the carefully selected and artfully arranged blooms.
  • Elegant Presentation: The square clear glass cube vase adds an element of elegance, while the green plaid ribbon complements the fall theme.
  • Warm Sentiments: This bouquet is designed to convey your warmest sentiments and make a meaningful gesture.

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