Red Rose Elegance Bouquet

Make a statement of timeless elegance with our Red Roses Elegance Bouquet. This captivating arrangement features two dozen long-stem red roses, their velvety petals bursting with vibrant crimson, meticulously hand-placed within a crystal-clear 5" cube vase. Lush greenery accents add a touch of natural beauty and balance, creating a modern masterpiece that complements any décor.

More than just a bouquet:

  • Unforgettable Impact: Twenty-four roses make a grand statement, symbolizing deep love, appreciation, and unwavering devotion.
  • Modern Elegance: The sleek glass cube vase adds a contemporary touch, perfect for those who appreciate modern aesthetics.
  • Expertly Arranged: Our skilled florists curate each arrangement with artistry and care, ensuring a stunning composition that delights the eye.
  • Versatile Gift: Ideal for anniversaries, birthdays, Valentine's Day, or simply a day to make someone feel special.
  • Flower Delivery in Marin County: Surprise your sweetheart with a burst of passion delivered straight to their door.
  • Personalized Touches: Add chocolates, a handwritten card, or a cuddly companion to make your gift extra special and unforgettable.


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