All for Fall Bouquet


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Capture the essence of autumn with our "All for Fall Bouquet," a stunning seasonal arrangement crafted with vibrant, hand-picked flowers. This bouquet features radiant yellow roses, symbolizing joy and friendship, fiery orange Asiatic lilies that evoke passion and energy, and lush green hydrangeas that convey gratitude and abundance. The exotic red-orange pincushion proteas provide a unique focal point, while clusters of red hypericum berries add a touch of warmth and festivity. Arranged in a rectangular glass vase filled with natural river rocks and accented with curly willow branches, this bouquet makes a perfect centrepiece or gift that brings the warm hues of fall indoors.

Key Features:

  • Yellow Roses (8 stems): Hand-selected for their vibrant yellow hue, these roses represent joy, friendship, and new beginnings, making them ideal for expressing warm sentiments.
  • Orange Asiatic Lilies (3 stems): Known for their bright, bold petals, these lilies symbolize confidence and passion, and add a touch of fiery elegance to the bouquet.
  • Green Hydrangeas (3 stems): Lush and voluminous, these hydrangeas symbolize abundance and gratitude, creating a full and luxurious look.
  • Red-Orange Pincushion Proteas (5 stems): Unique and striking, these exotic blooms are known for their resilience and strength, offering an eye-catching contrast in both color and texture.
  • Red Hypericum Berries: Clusters of rich red berries symbolize cheerfulness and creativity, adding a festive and textured accent.
  • Rectangular Glass Vase: A modern, sleek vase filled with smooth river rocks that add a natural, grounding element to the design.
  • Curly Willow Branches: Whimsical and earthy, these branches weave throughout the bouquet, adding height, texture, and a touch of organic movement.

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