Petite Romance Bouquet

Turn up the heat with Royal Fleur Florist's Petite Romance bouquet, a breathtaking arrangement where passion and elegance intertwine. Six (6) velvety red roses, each a symbol of burning desire and unwavering devotion, unfurl their petals towards the heavens, their bold crimson hue a whisper of love's burning flame. Nestled amidst this fiery embrace lies a cloud of ivory hydrangeas, their soft, delicate blooms offering a touch of ethereal grace and calming contrast. The sleek cylinder vase adds a touch of modern sophistication, making this bouquet a masterpiece of both classic romance and contemporary flair.

More than just an expression of love:

  • Perfect for any occasion: Whether it's an anniversary, birthday, or simply a day to make someone feel cherished, Royal Red Romance ignites hearts and sparks joy.
  • Long-lasting beauty: Freshly cut from the farm, these vibrant blooms promise to grace your loved one's space for days to come.
  • Expertly arranged: Our skilled florists curate each bouquet with artistry and care, ensuring a stunning arrangement that delights the eye and soul.
  • Same-day delivery in Marin County: Surprise your sweetheart with a burst of passion delivered straight to their door.
  • Personalized touches: Add chocolates, a handwritten card, or a cuddly companion to make your gift extra special and unforgettable.


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