Christmas is Calling Bouquet


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Hear the holiday spirit calling with our Christmas is Calling Bouquet. This stunning arrangement features 18 radiant red roses, artfully encircled by lush white hydrangeas, rustic pinecones, and an array of festive Christmas greens. The symphony of colors and textures in this bouquet will enchant your senses and infuse your home with the joyful melody of the season. Whether adorning your holiday table or sent as a heartfelt gift, this bouquet embodies the essence of Christmas.

Key Features:

  • 18 Radiant Red Roses: A symbol of love and celebration, these roses capture the warmth of the season.
  • Lush White Hydrangeas: A backdrop of pure elegance, enhancing the overall charm of the arrangement.
  • Rustic Pinecones: Bring a touch of nature's beauty to the bouquet, adding a cozy, woodland feel.
  • Festive Christmas Greens: Assorted greens complement the bouquet, creating a harmonious holiday arrangement.
  • Holiday Magic: A perfect centerpiece for your Christmas festivities or a thoughtful gift to share the joy.

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