Duet Luxury Rose Bouquet

A captivating interplay of color and texture unfolds in this stunning Duet Luxury Rose Bouquet. Imagine the soft, graceful tendrils of pink orchids embracing the delicate lavender roses, each bloom a whisper of sweet romance.Create harmony and peace in honour of the bond you share. This unique and fashionable bouquet bursts with our finest blooms. Brilliant violet Mokara Orchids are the perfect pairing to our lavender 24-inch premium roses brought together in a  clear glass pillow vase to express your heart's every wish. Includes 18 stems of 24-inch premium long-stemmed lavender roses, 12 stems of purple Mokara orchids in clear glass pillow vase. 

Key Features:

  • Pink Orchids: Add a touch of exotic charm with their delicate petals and vibrant hue.
  • Lavender Roses: Create a romantic and sophisticated atmosphere with their enchanting color and fragrance.

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