Clarity Luxury Rose Bouquet

Starting at: $389.99

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Starting at: $389.99

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This stunning bouquet features a collection of 36 white roses, arranged in a modern clear glass cylindrical vase. The roses are densely packed, creating a breathtaking display of elegance and sophistication.

Key Features:

  • Premium Roses: The bouquet showcases a collection of high-quality, long-stemmed white roses.
  • Modern Design: The roses are arranged in a simple yet elegant manner, creating a contemporary look.
  • Clear Glass Vase: The transparent vase highlights the beauty of the roses and allows for a clear view of the arrangement.
  • Luxurious Appearance: The abundance of roses and their pristine condition create a luxurious and indulgent feel.

Flower Type and Meaning:

  • White Roses: Symbolizing purity, innocence, and eternal love.

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