Autumn Grandeur Bouquet

The Autumn Grandeur Bouquet is the epitome of elegance and charm, setting the perfect stage to convey your warmest wishes for a joyous and radiant fall season. This exquisite arrangement combines our finest ginger spice Leonidas roses with full-size white calla lilies, creating an exceptional presentation that speaks to the heart. Enhanced with the rich tones of red hypericum berries, the delicate texture of seeded eucalyptus, and a medley of assorted greens, this bouquet is a grand and sophisticated expression of beauty.

Key Features:

  • Leonidas Roses: Our finest ginger spice Leonidas roses infuse the bouquet with warm and captivating hues, symbolizing passion and a sense of gratitude.
  • Full-Size White Calla Lilies: The full-size white calla lilies exude purity and elegance, creating a beautiful contrast with the vibrant roses.
  • Rich Accents: The arrangement is accented with the deep, autumnal tones of red hypericum berries, adding depth and texture.
  • Seeded Eucalyptus: Seeded eucalyptus introduces a touch of delicate sophistication and a natural, aromatic element to the bouquet.
  • Clear Glass Vase: The bouquet is elegantly seated in a clear glass vase, allowing the beauty of the arrangement to shine through while providing a stylish presentation.

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