24 Red Roses - 2 Dozen Red Roses Bouquet


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Double the Dazzle: 24 Red Roses to Sweep Your Valentine Off Their Feet

Express your love in grand style with this luxurious bouquet of 24 radiant red roses. Two dozen blooms, each bursting with passion and fragrance, are artfully arranged in a classic glass vase for a gift that's sure to make their heart skip a beat.

Twice the Romance, Twice the Impact:

  • 24 red roses: Twice the standard dozen symbolizes the depth and intensity of your affection.
  • Hand-picked beauties: Each rose is carefully chosen for its vibrant color and pristine blooms.
  • Elegant presentation: A clear glass vase accentuates the natural beauty of the roses.
  • Perfect for unforgettable occasions: Valentine's Day, anniversaries, birthdays, or any time you want to say "I love you" in a big way.

Container may vary due to availabiltiy

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