Sweet Innocence Bouquet


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The Sweet Innocence Bouquet blooms with sweet sentiments and endearing charm to get you to look your bridal best on your wedding day. Gorgeous cream roses, pink mini carnations, pink Peruvian Lilies, pink double lisianthus, blue hydrangea and bupleurum are brought together to create an unforgettable bouquet. Tied together with a soft peach satin ribbon accented with pixie pearl pins, this incredible styling culminates in a bow at the base of the bouquet. Approx. 16 x 12

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Flower Care

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Trim your flower stems at a slight angle every few days, to extend their lifespan.

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Keep an eye onthe water level in the container or vase each day and refill as necessary to keep your flowers fresh for a longer time

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Place your flowers in a location away from drafts, extremes temperature, and direct sunlight to maintaain their beauty and keep them fresh longer.

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