Winter Bliss Rose Bouquet


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Elevate your winter celebrations with the Winter Bliss Rose Bouquet, a timeless design featuring pristine white roses paired with vibrant red berries and lush seasonal greenery. Arranged in a classic vase, this elegant bouquet embodies the spirit of the holidays, making it a perfect centerpiece or thoughtful gift for loved ones.

Key Features:

  • Elegant White Roses: Fresh, premium white roses exude sophistication and serenity.
  • Festive Touch: Accented with red hypericum berries and evergreen foliage for a cheerful holiday vibe.
  • Versatile Design: Ideal for Christmas décor, winter gatherings, or as a heartfelt seasonal gift.
  • Fresh and Handcrafted: Expertly designed by local florists to ensure beauty and longevity.

Orientation: All-Around

Size: Approximately 12" W x 16"H

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